Friday, June 19, 2009

Warhammer Online - Age of Crafting

// Scavenging and Talisman making 101

I didn't pick up crafting until I was level 30, out of sheer laziness and ignorance. It however is very useful and brings in some income for us RVR'ers who spend a lot of money on gear, medical healing and traveling. I chose the pairing of Scavenging and Talisman making since it seems to go hand-in-hand. At first was confusing to me, since I didn't even know where to start, so I thought writing a guide would be helpful for those interested in crafting. There are crafting NPC's are located in Inevitable City (Destruction).

Scavenging NPCS: Lorne Foulsteel & Diedrick Goedbloed - Inevitable City, Map Markers: 17575, 24323

Talisman NPC: Dripnose Shinymaka - Da War Maker

From then on, you will be able to collect items from corpses from PVE or RVR. Simply loot the corpse first then a cursor that looks like pliers will appear and you can scavenge the corpse. There are 5 types of items you can get and they should appear in your "new" crafting bags post patch 1.3. To start, go to your abilities panel, to the last page and click the Talisman making icon. You need to drag and drop the a container into the slot first in order to begin. Then drag the rest of the items into the appropriate slot and then click "fuse" to craft the talisman. When you first start off, the talismans are very weak and only last for a certain amount of time, i.E. 8 hours, but as you level your skill, the power of the talismans will increase. If you need to buy any items, there are crafting NPC's located near the AH and also the Camp Merchant near the crafting NPC's sells them too.

Relic boxes:
Container to hold the talisman

Various items collected and are the base of the Talisman power, NPC's don't carry much, if any of these.

They are usally coins, watches and the "odd" items that you will scavenge

Magical Essence that can be bought from the NPC or looted

Gold Dust:
Gold Dust can be bought from NPC's or looted.

Once you start collecting materials, your bags will be full often so it's best to keep everything organized by level and type. Have fun!


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