Thursday, May 21, 2009

E3: Electronic Entertainment Expo, June 2-4

Hey all, just a reminder that I will be covering E3 this year.

I will be attending just one day but I'll be sure to take photos and do a report for you all. Disney Online Studios won't be exhibiting, (a lot of us will be in attendance though) but Disney Interactive will have a booth. Stay Tuned!

Friday, May 15, 2009

On to Tier IV

//Warhammer: Age of Zerging

So I finally hit level 32 and I have been enjoying Tier IV ORVR thus far. I think my favorite RVR lake is Praag because the burning buildings, the sheer amount of hiding places and overall look and variety of the zone. The large number of BO's keeps the lake very busy with activity. There are a lot of skirmishes resulting from ninja-ing of them and I think it's entertaining. I die a lot now because I'm lower level than most people :( but...level 33 is close though. I caved in and bought my Devastator boots on the AH. That thing would not drop for me at all. least my Devastator set is now complete!

I tried out a dungeon for the first time with my guild. A place called the Bastion stairs. I think it's not as fun as RVR though. It was a nice change of pace however.

Fooling around with my Skaven Cloak that I recived for purchasing a WAR poster. it looks really neat and it turns you into a Skaven (rat humanoid) for a short amount of time. People seemed really confused by it..

I also have the Command and Conquer hat which turns you into a white bear. I didn't know that you had some emotes as a bear and one of them is /dance. He started busting out break dancing moves! Another person with the hat joined me as a bear and it was hilarious seeing us break dance in IC. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe.

Good times in IC