Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Back in Battle!

//Warhammer Online: The Bloodshed Continues!!

I apologize for the long hiatus, but I am back in the fray and enjoying the new updates we've received in WAR. So far, I haven't been able to try out the Slayer or Choppa class but I have encountered the Slayer during RVR and my opinion is that it's overpowered and needs some adjustment. One Slayer was guarding a keep and he managed to kill 6-7 of us with a few swings of his axe. A bit unfair, don't you think?

Other then that, gameplay appears to be a lot smoother and there has been tons of RVR activity on Iron Rock as of late. I'd log in around midnight and there would be warbands on the move. Also, there is a "welcome back to WAR" campaign currently. You can pick up the quest in IC from one of the NPC's near the flight Master. You earn Talismans and Trophies for completing the tasks bestowed upon you in warcamps. It seems the buffs from the Talismans are very helpful (meaning I don't die as fast now!).

New Dell laptop - now I can run it on high res

I will be leaving Tier 3 soon and I'm a bit sad since that's supposedly the best Tier. Ah wells ;/ Can't stay level 30 forever..

Game Bugs:
I've had this graphical glitch on both my old Dell laptop and the new Dell. If I change into and out of Fullscreen to windowed, I get texture mapping issues. Textures would be missing in the game or replaced with something very strange looking. Trees would look like sea urchins with sharp spikes. Also the Windowed version still kinda lags.


  1. Ouch, wish I could kill that fast with my Slayer. Was the ground on fire around you? Slayers and Choppas are glass canons who require heals during large group battles to be overly effective. They do hit hard (single target)and hit reasonably well with AoE by themselves but they die fast and suffer greatly from crowd control effects being a light armored melee class.

    Try one out. You'll find them to be on par with other classes in regards to balance. Just don't ignore them on the battle field.

    Glad to see your back blogging Warhammer again.

  2. I don't remember if the ground was on fire (then again, I was on my old comp so all effects were off). but me and the other people in the warband were like wtf just happened? Did just one Slayer kill us all? It was quite shocking to me. I'm not sure if it's been nerfed yet or anything but still seems they do a lot of damage. I will be rolling as a Slayer on another server just to see for myself.

    Thanks for reading and commenting!
